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What Should Baby Wear To Sleep In Winter

Dressing your baby for bed in winter 

We parents worry about our kids, especially at night. When winter approaches some parents may wonder if your child will get too cold while they are sleeping. This post will show you how to dress your child in winter for a better, more comfortable night's sleep.

Safe sleeping during the winter

In the winter months as parents we may think our child will need extra layers when putting them down for the night. However, this is not entirely true. If the room your child is sleeping in remains at the correct temperature throughout the night, these extra layers aren't necessary. The correct temperature range for a baby's room is between 68 and 72 degrees. Generally speaking babies have a natural tendency to run a little bit warmer even if their hands and feet seem cold. Making extra clothes or sleep sacks unnecessary in the winter months. 

If you are worried your nursery or room will get lower than 68 degrees during the night. You may consider putting your child in footy pajamas or a more weighted sleep sack. One thing you do not want to do is add a blanket or comforter to your child's crib. This can create a risk of suffocation. For younger babies blankets, stuffed animals or anything additional in the crib poses a risk if they haven't developed fine motor skills yet to prevent suffocation

What should your baby wear to bed while going to bed in winter?

Let's face it — you don't want your little one freezing while they sleep! Fortunately, there are many different types of baby pajamas in all price ranges that will keep your little one warm during chilly winter nights. While you might think it’s immaterial which type of sleepwear you choose, the materials used in manufacture can make a big difference in terms of how much warmth their clothes provide. Below are some of the best options to put your little one for a warm sleep. 


Swaddles are a great option for your baby. They are blankets that keep their arms and legs wrapped up! When swaddling your baby make sure you haven’t wrapped them too tightly. If your child is swaddled too tightly this can cause hip problems in your baby. You will always want to make sure your baby can still move their legs in the swaddle. 

Sleep Sacks

Maybe you’ve never heard of the term “sleep sack,” but that is what one would call a wearable blanket for a baby. These warm pajamas for winter feature a sack-looking outer layer with a functional zipper opening and an attached blanket for warmth. They are a good option for baby’s winter pajamas as they receive high praise from comfort, performance, and safety experts.

Winter Pajamas

Even if your baby isn’t swaddling or using a sleep sack, they will still want to be warm while sleeping. If your little one is in footed pajamas, make sure that the legs are closed and the snaps are securely fastened. They should not have socks on because this would lead to them kicking them off. If you are using non-footed pajamas make sure that the snaps are secure and that there aren’t loose articles of clothing or accessories. 

What should your infant wear beneath a sleep sack?

If you are still concerned your baby is going to be cold, let's discuss what options they can wear under the sleep sack. Your baby should wear a footed one-piece. You might consider putting them in a long sleeve under the sleep sack for very cold nights.

Layers are your friend

  • To keep babies warm, a sleep sack should be used as an outer layer to the swaddle.

  • The most comfortable and breathable materials are cotton and wool.

  • Fleece is a cozy option, but it can also be hot.

  • Swaddling is still a great option, but you should take into account how many layers your swaddle will add to your body.

  • Newborns should be kept in 100% cotton or wool

  • You could layer the onesie underneath.

  • A flannel crib cover is a great way to increase warmth or comfort.

A general guideline: If you consider your bedding to be similar to your child's bed, make sure they only have one fitted sheet and no other objects or blankets in their crib.

What is the optimal bedroom environment for winter sleep?

Your room should be between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If the air is extremely dry, you might consider adding a cold mist humidifier. The greatest sleeping conditions are dark and non humid air. 

How can I tell if my baby is overheated?

Being too hot is more dangerous than being too cold. Your child will feel uncomfortable if she is too hot. If she gets overheated, it can increase her chances of SIDS. Additional blankets can increase the risk of SIDS, so avoid them until your child is two years old.

Your child will feel uncomfortable if she is too cold. She may have difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently. Finding the right temperature for your child and their surroundings is key.

From the age of 0 to 3 years old, newborns are most at risk for temperature-related issues. Up to 3 months old, newborns are unable to regulate their body temperature. When newborns get too cold, they have to use a lot of energy to cool down. This can lead to exhaustion. This can lead to heatstroke, which can be deadly for newborns.

What am I supposed to do to know if my child is too chilly?

There are two ways to determine If your baby is too hot or cold


Your child's behavior is a useful clue. Your child may be irritable, fussy or agitated.

Test their skin

You will want to feel their skin on their hands, nose, back or neck. A skin test can be used to determine your child's body temperature. In colder temperatures, most children will experience cool hands. As long as it isn't freezing, that's fine. You can also correlate her behavior with cold hands. Not fussy, but cold hands. It's no problem! You may need to investigate if she is fussy or has cold hands. You should check her nose as well as her back. You can get a better idea of her body temperature by feeling her skin on her nose, back and neck. If her nose is cold, it could indicate that the room temperature is cold for her. If her back is warm, it would indicate that her body temperature has reached a satisfactory level. If your child's hairline appears sweaty, it's most likely that she is running warm. You might also check the temperature in the room or how many layers they have on.

Final Words

It may take a fews nights to figure out what will work best for your baby and what will keep them at the right temperature during winter nights. Once you master it your baby will sleep safe all winter. These tips will set your and your baby up for winter layering perfectly! 

