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Using Boppy For Tummy Time

What Time Is It? Tummy Time!

When you have delivered a baby, there are so many things that are added to the list of essentials. While some help in nursing and holding the baby, there are others, like the boppy pillow that have different uses.

Everything is geared towards the growth and development of the baby, and in this post, we want to look at the option of using a boppy for tummy time. As a parent, having a boppy is great for you and the baby as well.

Tummy Time: Explained

Tummy time is placing your little one on their belly so that they can play or rest. Experts agree that this is a great method to allow your baby to develop the necessary muscles that they will need for crawling, sitting up, and walking.

You should consider beginning tummy time from an early age and always ensure that the baby is aware and not asleep. Most babies do not like the new position and may find it uncomfortable. This may cause them to scream their lungs out before getting used to it.

Using boppy for tummy time is one of the best ways to make your baby comfortable on their belly. The pillow will have the shoulders at a more inclined angle than the rest of the body and this becomes easier for them to lift their heads and hold them up for a while.

Unlike being flat on the ground, the baby gets a new line of sight with a boppy pillow, which makes it more interesting for them. With the help of this pillow, the baby is able to reach and grasp things with ease and this helps in their growth and development.

One Step at a Time

Whereas tummy time is known to have tons of benefits for the baby, you should take things in moderation. Even when using a boppy for tummy time, remember that this is an entirely new experience for the baby. Ultimately, they will get used to the idea of having tummy time and using a boppy. So if the first few times seem like the baby is resisting it, do not push it too hard. Failing a few times does not mean that you are a bad mom; every baby is unique.

Make tummy time interesting by giving the baby some toys to play with. You can also read them their favorite stories and sing songs together. Give your baby at least 60 minutes of tummy time when they are 2 months. This should be done in short intervals and by the time they are 3 months old, you can increase the overall time to 90 minutes a day. Get a good boppy pillow and it should make things easier for you.

Make Tummy Time Interesting with a Boppy

Having realized how useful tummy time is for your baby, you need to make it work. Using boppy for tummy time will change the entire experience for you and the baby. Get the right boppy pillow and see the difference.