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Hand and finger and toes, OH MY! This week baby not only develops those 10 sweet fingers and toes but gains flexibility in elbows and wrists.
Baby’s genitals begin to form although it will be at least another couple of weeks before you’ll be able to find out if you should be buying in pinks or blues. Speaking of colors, baby’s eyes begin to grow pigment, although baby’s eye color can change up until 3 years old!
Baby’s intestines form but are currently stored in the umbilical cord until baby’s torso grows enough to house them. At a total of 0.5-0.6in it makes sense that things need a little more time to grow!
Have you visited your OB or midwife yet? There is so much to discuss with your care provider for the next couple of months. You will be seeing a lot of your doctor after that first appointment where you confirm pregnancy and hear the baby’s heartbeat. Appointments typically happen once a month until 32 weeks, then twice a month until 36 weeks and then weekly until the big day. So don’t worry about getting to ALL of your questions on that first day. Especially for first time moms questions may feel endless. Try keeping track of all the things you want to ask on your phone between appointments.
Pregnancy symptoms are most likely in full swing. Back pain may have joined the ranks of issues as your muscles overcompensate while beginning to redistribute weight in your changing body.
Get some rest! Vivid dreams are another symptom of pregnancy. Maybe your little baby is trying to talk to your during REM.

"You never understand life until it grows inside of you."
- Sandra Chami Kassis