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When Will Baby Start Teething?

Everything you need to know when your baby starts teething.

For every parent, seeing their little one grow teeth is a huge milestone. This is an essential part of the child’s development. When teeth grow, your infant is able to eat solid food and have a complete diet. No one wants to continue feeding their child pureed or mashed food for the rest of their lives. This is why most parents tend to be curious... when will baby start teething?

As teeth start to erupt, your child will get more nutrients and this will influence their strength, immunity, weight, and even the development of their brain. Let us explore and indulge deeper into the issue of baby teething.

At What Point Do Babies Start Teething?

Teething is one of those development stages that is unique and different in all babies. If you are wondering when your baby will start teething, you can be sure that it will happen within the first year. Genetics are integral in determining when your infant will start teething.

There are some toddlers who will get their first tooth at just 3 months of age. On the contrary, there are also those who can last for 12 months before showing any signs of teething. On average, most babies start teething between the ages of 4 to 6 months.

There are some symptoms that you may notice and these are signs that your baby will soon have teeth popping through! So how would you know that your baby is teething? Here are some of the symptoms that you can look out for:

  1. Drooling
  2. Gag reflex
  3. Coughing
  4. Biting
  5. Crying
  6. Irritability
  7. Refusing to eat
  8. Night waking
  9. Cheek rubbing 
  10. Ear pulling

If you are keen on when your baby will start teething, these are some of the key symptoms that will be your indicators. It is worth noting that the symptoms will vary from infant to infant. There are those who will experience a lot more pain and discomfort than others. However, you can be sure that you will notice one or two of these symptoms when your baby starts teething.

Which Baby Teeth Come Out First?

Besides trying to establish ‘when will baby start teething,’ most parents want to know the order in which the teeth will grow. Generally, the two center teeth at the bottom will be the first to appear. These are then followed by the two upper teeth at the center, followed by incisors and molars. Teething is one of the most interesting experiences for a parent as well as the child. Sadly, the pain and discomfort may confuse the child and this is what causes the irritability and constant crying.

Should I Call a Pediatrician About Teething?

Most of the teething problems that your baby may experience are not alarming. For instance, when they experience some bleeding, you can clean it with a wet and clean washcloth. There are many over-the-counter medicines, which you should refrain from unless you have a prescription.

You should only call a doctor when any of the teething symptoms become extremely severe and are accompanied by illness.  Now that you know when your baby will start teething, hang in there and enjoy the ride.