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Soothing a Fussy Newborn

Techniques to Calm a Fussy Newborn 

Is your baby constantly crying and not ever wanting to calm down? This can be frustrating as a parent, especially when you do not know why they are crying. There are a number of ways to soothe a fussy newborn.

In the first six months of their life, babies tend to cry a lot as this is the only way they know how to communicate. As such, your baby will cry when they want to sleep, to be fed, to have a diaper change, and any other thing. Never shake a baby with the intention of making them stop crying. At this tender age, this may end up damaging their little brain.

Since babies are different, you may attempt a number of methods before you can find what works for your baby. Here are some ideas that you can use for soothing a fussy newborn:

  • Start by checking the basic things to ensure that the baby is comfortable. Check their diaper, ensure that they are fed and they are warm enough without being overheated.
  • Sucking is a nice way to comfort a baby and using a pacifier may work for some babies.
  • Another method that will work is stroking them. This needs to be done slowly and should run from the forehead to the back of its neck. You can hum a calming sound and this makes most babies sleep.
  • Stroke the belly of the baby softly as this tends to make the newborns feel calm and relaxed. You can add a little swing to this for a short while. Most babies love the gentle massages and will not only stop crying but end up sleeping.
  • A warm bath may work like magic when soothing an upset baby. There are times when the baby will feel tired and a bath gives them a relaxing feeling.
  • The other method that you can try is cuddling the baby against your body. This is one of the oldest techniques that can soothe a baby that is cranky and fussy.
  • If your baby is having a hard time sleeping, you can play some soft music or hum sweet tunes to soothe the baby.

When to Consult a Doctor

Generally, soothing a newborn should help them calm down and the crying should stop. You should be concerned and consult a doctor when:

  • The baby keeps crying for more than 3 hours
  • The baby is vomiting, or not feeding
  • Your baby cries painfully
  • The baby’s temperature keeps rising
  • Nothing seems to calm down the baby and it keeps crying.

Pediatricians are experienced in such matters and will be able to diagnose the exact cause of the fussiness.


When you are not sure about what needs to be done, soothing a fussy babe can be a tall order. With these few tips, you should be able to calm down your baby without a problem. Do not be in a rush as this could get you worked up easily.