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Best Foods For Breastfeeding

What Foods Enrich Breastfeeding Mothers?

So your baby is finally out safe and sound. After all the euphoria of labor and birth, the storm isn’t over; now is the time your baby needs 100% support. It isn’t about the cloth selection or clean-up, but ensuring your baby takes all their naps, plays often and most importantly, breastfeeds well. 

The initial stage of breastfeeding is always tricky as lots of first time moms do not produce milk substantially; they have to engage in nipple cleaning and endure the pain of expressing. Once they cross this hurdle, their babies enjoy the sweetness of natural milk. However, to keep the milk supply constantly flowing, there are some tasks to accomplish such as maintaining the right diet for the best mother and child care. 

Although, some people believe that breastfeeding mothers and their babies are not affected by their diet. This analogy has not been proved or disproved but the fact is, several mothers have attested that their food consumption has played a vital role in keeping them healthy and strong while stimulating increased milk supply to their breast. 

What are these highly recommended arrays of food?

1. Oats

Oatmeal is the most reliable source for producing breast milk. They possess a higher concentration of dietary beta-glucan than any other food and it can be used to prepare muffins and granola. Fruits can be added to give some sweetness but in all, it is a leading choice for first time nursing moms.

2. Seeds (Fennel and Fenugreek)

The power of natural seeds and herbs in addressing health challenges cannot be overemphasized, and the fennel and fenugreek are but a few to be mentioned. The fennel is a vegetable with thin green fronds which has a seed; fenugreek, rich in phytoestrogens and a component believed to help milk production.

The fennel is best served raw or mixed with olive oil and laced as a dressing on roasted chicken or fish. The fenugreek on the other hand must be used with caution to avoid side effects of diarrhea.

3. Beans and Legumes 

These are great sources of protein, vitamins, minerals, and phytoestrogens. Chickpeas are examples of legumes. They are most traditionally used as lacto­genic content along with products like soybeans which have the highest phytoestrogen content of all beans. Eating a variety of beans and legumes is good not only for your general health, but also for a healthy milk supply.

4. Root Vegetables 

They represent a good supply of lactogenic foods in many cultures around the world for hundreds of years. They range from carrots, sweet potatoes and yams; traditional Chinese cultures use it to produce a diet called zuoyuezi, meaning “sit the month.” It is believed to nourish both the mother and child while increasing the quality and quantity of breast milk.

5. Nuts

Finally, the quickest and handiest lactogenic foods are nuts. They are a powerhouse for iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin K and vitamin B; not to mention good sources of essential fatty acids and protein. With nuts like almonds, nursing mothers can get creative and make almond milk to refresh them and keep milk production steady.