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Signs of Baby Teething at 4 Months

The Teething Process

Teething is a developmental milestone in a baby. It occurs when small teeth break or erupt from the gum. A baby is born with 20 primary teeth. Around six months, the teeth start to break out from the gum. This process is called teething. 

The teething process starts before six months for some babies, whereas it can be slightly late for others. Thus, the whole process varies from baby to baby. 

What Are the Common Signs Of Teething In Babies?

Below are a few of the common signs of teething found in babies. The symptoms vary from one baby to another. While it can be mild for one, the symptoms can be severe for another. 


This is one of the first signs that the baby has started teething. Drooling happens mainly to soothe the tender gums. 

There is nothing much you can do except keeping the mouth and the surrounding areas clean. Some babies develop a rash around the mouth due to the presence of bacteria in the saliva. It would help if you wiped the mouth periodically with a clean cloth to prevent bacterial infestation. 


Babies feel irritation on the gum when the teeth erupt. To overcome this, they bite and gnaw any object that they come across. 

The best way to overcome this is to give them something cold to bite. Cold teething rings, fruit and veggie popsicles, and chewing beads are suitable for biting. 


Teething is typically followed by a low-grade fever that could be in the 98-100 degrees range. This could be because the baby puts their hands in their mouth quite often that causes infection. But if the fever is very high, then you should consult a doctor without delay. 


The eruption of the first teeth from the gum can irritate and make the baby cranky. The best thing you can do is to cuddle the baby. This provides a sense of comfort and calms him down. 


Teething does not cause diarrhea directly. But when the baby bites whatever he comes across, the chance of bacteria getting in is very high. This can cause diarrhea. 

How To Soothe A Teething Baby?

Teething ring

Teething rings are soft and are designed to soothe the baby’s gum. You can keep the teething ring in the fridge as the cold can provide relief. But do not keep it in the freezer as the ring becomes too hard. Also, remember to sterilize the ring each time it touches any contaminated surface. This helps protect the baby from infections. 


Massaging the gums can provide relief to the baby. Gently massage the baby’s gums in a circular motion with your clean hand. 

Give a washcloth

Take a washcloth and make it wet. Keep it in the fridge to make it cold. Once cool, you can hand it over to the baby for chewing. 

Similarly, you can also provide a cool metal spoon to provide relief to the baby. 

Every Teething Experience Is Different

Teething is an important milestone in the baby’s development. But it is not such a pleasant phase for babies. While some babies tide over this stage without much difficulty, it may not be so for others. Your cuddle, love, and comfort can soothe the baby and help them to overcome this stage easily.